Dutch Valley & Hobart Scales
An Exciting New Way to Serve Our Customers
Over the years, Dutch Valley has had the privilege of providing numerous ways to serve our customers. Food and food-related products certainly have been one of the primary ways; however, we have tried to reach beyond just food in order to better provide increased ways that we may support those that have invited us into their business, Our Customers, so that their business may be more successful and that our customers can better serve those that shop in their stores. Some of those service areas include: greater customer service support, product knowledge and nutritional facts, merchandising ideas, website and technology, efficient and friendly delivery service, store promotional support, store resetting and new store design and ideas, to mention just some of the ways we have listened and tried to respond to you, our customers.
NOW….Our family at Dutch Valley is very excited about a New Way that we are able to provide our customers with another service that we believe will be a valuable benefit and tool.
Dutch Valley and Hobart Scales & Systems have partnered together to provide what we believe will be a service that many of our customers have been asking us for, for some time.
This New Tool and Benefit -
Hobart Scales, Product File Support and Service . . .
Hobart scales has played a big part in retail food businesses for decades and many of the customers we serve are very familiar with Hobart Scales and Systems because they use them in their stores. As there has been increased demand from the FDA on nutritional and ingredient fact information on product labels, more of the stores we serve have asked us how we at Dutch Valley can help. For the vast majority of the customers we serve, “The Scale” is a Big Part of their business that they depend on. With the growing nutritional demands, the variety of the scales on the market and a product file at Dutch Valley that is over 4,500 items, how we could bring this together so that we could better provide this growing service need has been a focus for many of us for some time.
Hobart Scales and Systems have been outstanding in their support and help in working with us to solve this problem and to provide a solution that our customers have asked us for.
Now in partnership with Hobart, and Genesis Software we are able to offer our customers --
Scales, Dutch Valley Product File Support, Service, Computer based software to control the scale.
As part of this new partnership, we are able to provide several versions of the Hobart Quantum Scale, which is a Scale System that will work with the size product file that we have at Dutch Valley and to do so at a discounted price, providing our customers an efficient and economical way to purchase a scale and have our product files in their new scales.
There are many benefits that could be listed; however, here are just a few standard ones that we wanted to share with those that may not be familiar with this scale:
• Basic Memory of 4000 PLU’s (Product Look-Up) with expandable memory in increments as needed
• Large Label Capacity
• Disk Back-Up of Product Files
• All Product Look-Ups are Displayed on Screen
• Security System for All Scale Users (Each user has their own ID)
• Help Keys – Quick and User Friendly Screen to Assist Users w/Questions
• Printing Benefits
1. The Quantum thermal print head requires no ink or ribbon
2. Labels may be printed with customer logo and/or other information
3. There are over 20 print fields allowing various important information to be placed on each label
4. Minimum time needed in changing or replacing labels
• Manual Entry with Key Pad or attached Keyboard
• Many Additional Optional Benefits
There are -3- Quantum Scales that we are proud to be able to provide our customers with, each having the same basic foundational strengths, as well as certain unique qualities that may be of benefit at slightly higher prices.
• SS Quantum
• Quantum
• Quantum Max
Due to the variety of questions and information that you, our customers may have in regards to this exciting new opportunity and due to the fact that this is something very new and really very big for us at Dutch Valley, we want to make sure we are as helpful as we can be as we begin this new opportunity together.
It is because of the questions and the needs that our customers have continued to have and present to us that we have purposed to provide yet another way we may have the privilege of serving you, Our Customers.
Thank you for that Honor!
If you would like to download the Hobart dat file, please click the link below and contact your local Hobart representative to upload the file into your Hobart Scale. If you are using the Gware Software and need more information, Please visit www.step2000.net for more support.
Click Here for the Hobart Scale File
** Please note that the file you download is in a Zip format, and you will need a zip reader to unpack it. The Zip contains the following 2 files, Hobart01.dat and Hobart02.dat.
For More information on the above article please use the information below.
- Hobart Scales - (610) 439-1504
- Genesis Scale Software - (248) 358-7370 ext 301
- General Information - (800) 733-4191